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Foodie Personality

on 11/09/2017 - 08:08 am

Foodie Personality

1. "It's grey outside. My deadline is coming up and I'm super stressed. I deserve to eat pizza, fries, and cupcakes today" - the Comfort Foodie
2. "Let's eat cake because it must be somebody's birthday somewhere" - the Sweet Tooth
3. "I would like to order an all-dressed hamburger but no meat, no bun, and no condiments please" - the Super, Annoying Foodie
4. "This project is going to take all night long and we need a pick-me-up - junk food, it is!" - the Fast Food Junkie
5. "I only eat non-dairy, salt-free, gluten-free, raw foods and definitely no meat" - the Health Nut
6. "The food is so pretty. Wait. One second. Okay it's ready for its photo" - the Millenial Food ...

How to Write a Book

on 11/08/2017 - 09:14 am

Writing - Planning - Your Book
1. Big Picture - Start with a one-line summary of your novel
2. Three Acts - Write a synopsis including the 3 acts of your book

3. Spotlight - Write one-page descriptions of each character (very important)
4. Location, Location, Location - Build the setting(s) and determine their significance
5. I or You - Decide on the P.O.V. - it can make or break your novel!
6. It's About Time - Create a pace between scenes and be consistent
7. Pen to Paper - Write your first draft (and then your 2nd, 3rd...)
8. Edit Out - Self-edit and then send out to an Editor
9. Edit In - Revise and Rewrite
10. Off to the Presses - Publish your book. Just do it!
11. ...

Top Ten Rules To Emotional Wellness

on 11/03/2017 - 08:49 am

Rules To Emotional Wellness
1. Be realistic with expectations
2. Set out to achieve realistic goals, one day at a time

3. Learn to accept changes in your life
4. Let go of all anger and resentment5. Surround yourself with positivity6.Take responsibility for yourself7. Be kind to yourself8. Learn to laugh at yourself9. Take care of your body - diet, exercise & sleep10. Talk to someone if you are feeling depressed or anxious

10 signs You Are Being Bullied At Work

on 11/01/2017 - 09:51 am

Stop Bullying At Work
1. All Your Hard Work is constantly Undermined and never Good Enough.
2. Surprise Meetings & Presentations are called by your Boss
3. You Always Feel Anxious - Waiting for Bad Things to Happen to You
4. You are never left alone to do your job
5. When You Express an Opinion, it is immediately turned down and shelved
6. Your Co-Workers feel justified to Talk Balk or Berate You in front of others
7. Always Obsessing about Work at home or on vacation
8. You feel nauseous every morning before work
9. No one takes your claims of harassment seriously at work
10. Your request to transfer to an open position is denied