Be Mindfull Now

on 10/15/2017 - 09:53 am

Be Mindful Now

1. Breathe In, Breathe Out - Feel the flow of the breath

2. Pay attention to all your Senses - for ex; notice the taste, texture of food.

3. Empty the Mind - Take a few moments to be still

4. As soon as the Mind wanders, bring it back to your Breath

5. Practice Non-Judgemental Listening

6. Be Aware of every Daily Activity (driving, texting, cleaning, etc..)

7. Go Outdoors - Walk Around in Nature

8. Forgive Yourself for every Negative Thought

9. Be Grateful - Say Thank You to Nature, People, and Things.

10. Go Easy on Yourself - with time, you will see the progress!


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